The Dannon Let's Play Together voting website gave people the opportunity to vote for their school for a chance to be awarded a $25,000 grant. School nomination submissions were required to participate in the contest and the school with the most votes won.
The purpose of the Dannon Let's Play Together voting website was to give back to a school, but it was up to the consumers on which school won the $25,000 grant money with the most votes. There was no purchase necessary to enter so consumers could come to the website once a day where they would be required to enter some validation information, submit a vote for a school, and then would be presented with thank you message.
The website used a vote counter near the top of the webpage to show every vote submitted on the website and to show how much participation was being done. This was a very successful promotion because at the end of the promotion the website had well over 750,000 votes submitted for schools. The promotion was also created and used for two consecutive years due to the overwhelming participation and success too.
Website Creative Liberties:
The website was fully custom and was created using the promotional imagery that was sent from the client. A promotional banner image was also provided for desktop + mobile, and they were used to find similar web-fonts, specific colors, and some copy. The website was developed by using a bootstrap framework.
My Roles & Responsibilities:
Systems Used:
Illustrator (Ai), Photoshop (Ps), Brackets (HTML/CSS), Jira.
The Team:
UX/UI Designer, Front-end Web Designer, Developer, Product Manager, Business Analyst (BA), and Quality Assurance (QA).
Copyright © 2023 Amanda Schlosser - All Rights Reserved.